Sorry I have not posted anything in three months. The hard drive in my computer crashed so after they fixed it now it wont recognize my camera... I will do a quick summary of what we have been up to. We tried to have a dog.. it lasted a week. Her name is Bella, she is a Newfoundland and I gave her back to the girl from work who was trying to find her a home. Happy ending Bella has a great new family now. Lennox had two birthday parties. I took this semester off from school. At work I was offered a half staff half clinical position on our neonatal unit that starts in December. Lennox went to the homecoming dance with a group of friends. It was really fun to see him all dressed up. Hope everyone is doing well.. Miss you all.
If I could be described in the form of a condiment, definitely Lorelii Ramsey's raspberry jam would do. Made from raspberries grown in the Michigan sun, what little there is of it... hehe.. Seeds lovingly extracted to remove the unpleasant event of getting one stuck in your teeth. Stored in a prismatic jar that creates little rainbows across the counter when it is about half empty. The jam is so sweet you can hardly take it until suddenly a delightful wave of contrasting tartness fills your mouth. Yes, Lorelli's jam is an exciting tasty treat on multiple levels.
You look great - hope Lennox had a great birthday. Looks like he is having fun and has lots of friends. Love ya - Aunt Patty